We promote highly social gatherings focused on out-of-the-box fun. They are specifically meant to meet others, gain friendships and have a blast! Because we are often an entry point for new members to the lifestyle, we try to focus on an open safe atmosphere to enjoy high quality entertainment. Don’t scare new members if you are used to swimming in the deep end!
To be a a member you must be 21 or older.
We do not condone the use or solicitation of illegal drugs or substances. If you consume alcohol at our events, please know you are responsible for your actions. If E&J Events does not provide transportation to and from our events, YOU are responsible for arranging alternate transportation home. Please do not drive!

Do not assume. Lifestyle is comprised of humans from all walks of life at all different stages of life’s journey. Please be respectful and always ask for consent. Unwanted actions & lack of respect is not permitted. *if warranted, 1 warning will be given. If the behavior persists you will be removed from E&J Events.

We make it a priority to make event prices as low and accessible as possible. That being said, we pride ourselves on the level of our outside entertainment, venues, food & beverages, etc. and our ticket prices will reflect that. Remember people, you get what you pay for!